Fellow Citizens, It is my goal as Councilman At-Large to work toward ensuring our local community progresses through smarter and more efficient policy that focuses on strengthening opportunities for all people and delivering quality services. Illuminating the 'Mansfield Potential' is a key factor toward our future growth as a city. Through an external lens, the agenda outlined below will show a Mansfield where people can work, live and prepare a better future for themselves and for their families. It is my belief that opportunity doesn't just happen. We have to go out there and get it. And to get opportunity, we have to set conditions that are in alignment with the 21st century economy. If we want to successfully compete in this competitive global economy, then we must start today or we lose out on tomorrow. Below is my 2015 Legislative Agenda toward a 'Mansfield Ready' for Quality Opportunities. This is a public document released on behalf of the Office of City Councilman Don Bryant. This agenda responds to the state of local government administration of the City of Mansfield, Ohio and proposes recommendations for attracting and sustaining improved economic conditions and opportunities. This agenda was developed in direct correlation to the concerns and situations of citizens living in the City of Mansfield, Ohio and based upon consultations with several local agencies and from information acquired through a variety of sources including: surveys, interviews and professional research studies. Councilman Bryant regularly invites individuals and groups throughout the City of Mansfield to address City Council for the purpose of providing updates or other information relevant to the development and improvement of city operations. To get involved e-mail:[email protected] or call 419-971-3662
2015 Community Development Block Grant
Annual Planning Process TIMETABLE In accordance with the City of Mansfield’s Citizen Participation Plan, the Community Development Department will conduct Two Neighborhood Meetings to explain the Community Development Block Grant/HOME Program and to receive input From citizens on proposed uses of the FY 2015 Community Development Block Grant/HOME funds 02/07/2015 @4:00PM NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING #1 @ MANSFIELD-RICHLAND COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 43 West Third St. Mansfield, OH
02/11/2015 @4:00PM NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING #2 @ NECIC 199 North Main St. Mansfield, OH
02/27/2015 @4:00PM PROPOSAL DEADLINE @ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT—8TH FLOOR 30 N. Diamond St. Mansfield, OH For more information on the Community Development Block Grant process contact the City Council office or your City Councilperson @ 419-755-9680. You may also contact the Community Development Department directly @ 419-755-9793 or visit: http://ci.mansfield.oh.us/index.php/departments/community-development |
(Archive) City CouncilOffice Notes Welcome to my office blog. This is a public blog geared toward keeping the public informed on my office activities around the Mansfield community. There are many contributors to my blog including interns, office volunteers and correspondents.
November 2018