Office of City Council At-Large City of Mansfield Councilman Don Bryant MEMORANDUM TO: All City Employees, Elected Officials RE: 2017 Mansfield City Council Internship Program (MCCIP) This year, the program will begin on Tuesday, June 6th. The MCCIP utilizes a ‘team-mentorship’ concept whereas interns will be working with multiple people and departments throughout the City. This is a teaching and learning program that is geared toward providing interns with the functional knowledge to how our city government works. Thus, interns are not allowed to engage in political activities. The program duration is 10-weeks or minimum of 35-40 hours total. Each week will have a different theme and interns are expected to complete a variety of interviews with community leaders and city officials. This is where the “team-mentoring” concept comes into action. Interns will spend time with department directors and other elected officials throughout the city. Out of the 34 applicants, I’ve selected (2): Olivia Hoppe and Kyle Weese. Olivia is an 18-year-old student at The Ohio State University; she is studying history and political science. Kyle is a 19-year-old student at Ohio University studying business administration and is attending college on a full-academic scholarship. Kyle has no plans to run for office but wants to be a lawyer one day. Olivia on the other hand, says she does want to run for office one day to “make the world a better place.” She states issues such as gender equality and fairness for all people; are very important things to work toward. Thank you to all department heads and elected officials who responded to my requests for team-mentoring. You are appreciated!
This an issue that demands transparency surrounding decisions being made. People want to know what's being done to address animal control. Can we create a new municipal animal control officer position? Councilman Bryant releases his notes on the issue on animal control. The memo below provides background information to the issue and what's needed moving forward. Bryant says, "It's important that we don't blame the City, we don't blame the County and especially the Dog Warden. We need to collaborate, pool resources and move forward together without playing the blame game. I'm confident this issue can be addressed; but it cannot be done without the help of the Mayor, Law Director, Finance Director, City Council and the County Commissioners working together." ## Dear Neighbors, Time is moving faster than ever. Now that we are into the third month of the New Year—2017 has already proven to be very busy. As your voice in City Hall, I am committed to fighting for the results you deserve. My office is the people’s office and it is my policy to make sure you are heard loud and clear. In keeping you informed, attached below are a few updates from the office.
Public Affairs Committee hears proposals for Community Development Block Grant funding |
(Archive) City CouncilOffice Notes Welcome to my office blog. This is a public blog geared toward keeping the public informed on my office activities around the Mansfield community. There are many contributors to my blog including interns, office volunteers and correspondents.
November 2018